The day has finally come; Lance Armstrong has come out of the dope closet on an interview with Oprah. The jaw-dropping interview will air tonight from 9-10:30 p.m. ET, and tomorrow at 9 p.m. ET/PT on OWN. You can also catch the interview online at Oprah’s fancy website, here. Armstrong was not only stripped of [...]
By taryncandace
2013: Rough Start for the Beliebers
The new year has undoubtedly been rough for the 18-year-old Canadian pop artist, Justin Bieber; also known as “Biebs” and “perfect.” Although his fame is still on a steady incline (according to, he gains an average of 48.5 thousand Twitter followers a day), Bieber has rung on 2013 on a rather somber note. Here are [...]
Emoji Say Whaaaat?
Before phones existed, your words and facial expressions were the main indicators of your moods and feelings. If someone was sad, you could see it in their face or hear it in the tone of their voice. Now, people obviously still can understand those expressions through face-to-face conversations, but since Mr. Edison himself created that [...]
Shh Taylor, Just Shh.
(Photo by Splash News) It has officially been about a week since our very own Taylor Swift has started her journey into single life, and it’s most likely been the worst week of her life while simultaneously supplying the world with 5 more break-up songs. The pop sensation has been serial dating since she hit [...]
Nailed It! #1
Hey Now, Hey Now!
This is what plan b is made of!