Confession: It has been far too long since I have crafted a video. I woke up this morning, knowing full well that it was time to do so today. In short, it’s time you knew that: I ate too much bread in Europe. “Twerk” was added to the dictionary, with full definition of how to [...]
The “Not Now” Button on Facebook
Is there a weirder/more useful button in the history of buttons? Facebook really did everyone a favor with this one. When someone asks to be your friend on Facebook, your options are few but full of power! Confirming their friend request would obviously allow them to access your page, comment and post relentlessly, and become [...]
Miley Cyrus Twerks in Unicorn Suit
In what is probably the weirdest/best video I have ever seen, miss Miley Cyrus wears a unicorn onesie and twerks to “Wop.” Three things to take away from this: 1) Everything you need to know about dancing has just been revealed to you in this confusingly-filmed tutorial. If you are EVER confused on what to [...]
Inspirational Instagram Photo
Why am I Harlem Shaking?
I’m going to keep this short and sweet, since you and your friends are probably mid-harlem shaking. What is the Harlem Shake: Everyone is beyond confused to hear constant reference to the old dance move, the Harlem Shake, but that is not what everyone is talking about. The new Harlem Shake is a viral internet video meme [...]
Taryn’s Guide to Texting Lingo
Very rarely do people actually Laugh Out Loud when they text “LOL.” See what people really mean and share it with your friends so everyone’s on the same page!
YOLO (You Only Live Once)
Alas, a post about what might be the most overused term of 2012: YOLO (rhymes with Rolo, Bolo, Zolo, Golo, and Burrito, depending on how you say it). Yolo is an acronym used for the saying “You Only Live Once.” While mottos like “Carpe Diem” and “live like today is your last day” have always [...]
#What #is #a #hashtag #and #whatamievendoing?
For many of you, you know exactly what it means when I throw a pound sign in front of a word or phrase. For others, this must look like complete madness, as if I was trying to do one of those cuss word posts (#*%*) but failed miserably. This ever so popular trend you see [...]
Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders “Call Me Maybe” vs. U.S. Troops “Call Me Maybe”
The cheerleaders for the Miami Dolphin’s made their own version of Call Me Maybe (by Carly Rae Jepson), and the troops in Afghanistan loved is so much, they copied them move by move and sent it over. hahahahahahahahahahahahahah the mops at the end. the guy with the mustache’s shoulders at 1:06. SO amazing.
Bieber’s Instagram Followers
New video up! Justin Bieber has 5.8 million Instagram followers, and one of my proudest skills is reading the comments that his followers leave on the photos. Check out some of my favorites in this new YouTube video. Which one was your favorite?
Emoji Say Whaaaat?
Before phones existed, your words and facial expressions were the main indicators of your moods and feelings. If someone was sad, you could see it in their face or hear it in the tone of their voice. Now, people obviously still can understand those expressions through face-to-face conversations, but since Mr. Edison himself created that [...]