Archives: HOW TO

Kareem: Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 30

Kareem: Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 30

Amazingly crafted article on Esquire by NBA all-time leading scorer Kareem Abdul Jabar, on 20 things he wishes he would have known when he was 30. Here are some of my favorite thoughts, but you must read the full article HERE. 2. Ask about family history. I wish I’d sat my parents down and asked them a [...]

The “Not Now” Button on Facebook

The “Not Now” Button on Facebook

Is there a weirder/more useful button in the history of buttons? Facebook really did everyone a favor with this one. When someone asks to be your friend on Facebook, your options are few but full of power! Confirming their friend request would obviously allow them to access your page, comment and post relentlessly, and become [...]

How To Be Nice(r) To Strangers

How To Be Nice(r) To Strangers

I have been in many social situations lately where I’ve been thrust into the feeding frenzy of meeting new people. Very few people, even those who categorize themselves as extroverts, thrive on meeting new people and mingling. Even if I don’t LOVE it, I’d like to say I handle myself quite well, as I hold [...]